Friday, January 21, 2011

Justice Free and ABBA LUKEY with CCCChristo

Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

From the desk of Chief Crazy Captain " Country " Christo

One Hundred and Forty Trillion Dollars with CCCChristo

Is it any wonder they call me CRAZY?


As in ahem.....

One Hundred Forty Trillion Dollars and No Cents.
I just thought I'd throw in the NO CENTS for FREE.

Now you may look at that and say:

" IMPOSSIBLE, Chief Crazy Captain Christo those are impossible
numbers. The United States of America has a debt totaling over
Fourteen Trillion Dollars and can't seem to find a way to fix the
problem. Now you want to go and run a number like TEN TIMES
14 Trillion Dollars. Are you mad, are you out of your mind. GASP.
ARE YOU CRAZY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



( which means FATHER LUCKY for you pronunciation freaks out there!)
And I am going to be teaching my CRAZYNESS in Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. I am going to be teaching exclusively
for women who want a better life and are comfortable being called
an ORANGE RACE CARD ANGEL. Without having to die to be SAINTED.
I only deal with all things ANGELS. The starting line will always be, as I have
stated before $10,000.00 to start. All my Orange Race Card Angels will be
taught the value of a


Respectively in TRUTH,

Chief Crazy Captain Christo

Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Country (USA), The Kid and The Uncle with CCCChristo

Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

From the desk of Chief Crazy Captain Christo

GRIZ +(~~+~~)+  40 Year Kid with CCCChristo

That's right, we are born free.
We always have been and we always will be.
Forever and ever, Born Free.

To: Kid Rock ( Detroit Michigan )and Uncle Kracker
From: CCCChristo

I am a man on a mission.  5 States Minnesota, Wisonsin,
Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado.  National Debt Training
with 360,000 Women from their prospective states.
All of them Born Free, All of them to remain Free.
These are my ANGELS and yes, they are all women.
Nobody will see the TRUE GLORY OF THE LORD until
my mission is complete.  I just want to say THANK YOU
KID ROCK for your song and I would like to teach you
how to Erase the National Debt.  It  will only take

 7 minutes +(~~+~~)+

to explain but it will last an eternity once

Respectfully in TRUTH,

Chief Crazy Captain Christo

P.S. +(~~+~~)+ Orange Race Card Angels
official invite for KID ROCK and BAND and FAMILY +(~~+~~)+

and of course Uncle Kracker

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dumb Angels in Dallas with CCCChristo +(~~+~~)+

Author Christo Strom
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions

From the desk of Chief Crazy Captain " Country " Christo

To: The NFL
From: CCC"C"Christo

Regarding Dallas Half Time Super Bowl 45.
Get your heads out of your ASS.
This is Dallas for Pete's Sake. Are you kidding me
The Black Eyed Peas.

"With all the insanely good talent available right in TEXAS
That is a direct quote sent to me from above from " Saint Stephen "

You might recognize him from the second video!

Respectfully in TRUTH,

Chief Crazy Captain " Country " Christo
Sole Owner of Orange Race Card Angels
Head of Angel Promotions